Anthony Victor
Adjunct Faculty
MA Theological Studies (Advanced)(Old Testament) (M Div. Equivalent) University of Mysore through SAIACS in 2014.
MA Theology University of Mysore through SAIACS in 2013.
Tech (Mechanical Engineering) from Sreenidhi Institute of Science and Technology affiliated to J.N.T.U. in 2004.
Founder and Director:
- Rabboni Ministries (August 2017 to present)
- Primary Role: Church Planting, Training and Charity Service.
- Fulfilling the Great Commission through training and charity work.
Resident Faculty:
- Hyderabad Institute of Theology and Apologetics (Dec 2014-June 2018)
- Primary Role: Administration and Teaching
- Conducted Conferences and Programs at National Level
- Executed 2 Graduation Programs successfully.
- Taught courses like Biblical Hebrew, Church History, Hermeneutics and Theology at Hitha and other bible colleges and organizations.
Pastoral Intern: (April’14-Aug’14) The Crossroad Church Bangalore.
- Primary Role: Bible Teaching, Carecell responsibility, Discipling and Mentoring and Church planting training.
Youth Ministry: (June’13-March’14) The Crossroad Church Banglaore.
- Primary Role: Bible Teaching, Discipling and Mentoring.
Children Ministry Teacher: (July’13-Feb’14) SAIACS Children Ministry, Bangalore.
- Primary Role: Teaching Bible to Children and Music Ministry.
Justice Intern: (July ’12-Feb‘13) International Justice Ministry, Bangalore.
- Primary Role: Church Mobilization for Justice Cause.
Ministry Intern: (July’11-Feb’12) Urban India Ministries, Bangalore.
- Primary Role: Assisting in Slum teaching ministry and Corporate IT initiatives.
Mission trips: (2004 to 2006) Adonai’s Bride Church, Secunderabad.
- Primary role: Worship ministry and Bible teaching.
Worship ministry: (2004 to 2006) Adonai’s Bride Church, Secunderabad.
- Primary Role: Playing music for Worship Ministry.