Rev. Sai Krishna Gomatam

Adjunct Faculty


I grew up in a Hindu Brahmin family in India. I occasionally practiced priesthood in a local Hindu temple in my hometown during my childhood. At age sixteen I faced an existential crisis in my life due to which I decided to end my life. By the grace of God, I did not succeed. During that time, there was a girl standing in front of my college, distributing fliers. The fliers contained an invitation to an evangelistic meeting. I decided to show up at this meeting. It was conducted by a group of students. They invited a campus missionary from the Union of
Evangelical Students of India (Indian counterpart of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship) to speak in this meeting. He quoted the noted French philosopher and mathematician, Blaise Pascal and talked about God as the answer to the existential struggles of mankind. I was deeply touched by the message and committed my life to Christ. But after the initial enthusiasm faded, I reverted to a syncretistic blend of Hinduism and Christianity. After a year, I realized the unlivable condition of this new made-up religion. I felt hopeless and suicidal. The Lord spoke to me during this time through Scripture and brought me to repentance. I committed my life to Christ. The Lord helped me to be His first witness on my new college campus. Within a year, the Lord regenerated fifteen Hindu students and helped us grow together in Him. The Lord took me to another campus for my Masters degree in Computer Applications. I was the first witness in the entire department during my Masters too. The Lord redeemed two of my three Hindu roommates and helped us grow together and witness to many fellow students. Union of Evangelical Students of India trained us in doctrines and spiritual disciplines and helped us grow in Christ. My mentors at UESI encouraged me to pursue theological studies, but I did not have resources that time to fund that education, so I took a job as a Software Engineer. In God’s sovereign arrangement, I married the girl, Jones, who invited me to my first evangelistic meeting. The Lord blessed our marriage and gave us two wonderful daughters, Shiloah and Zoe. The Lord blessed me in my job and brought me to Denver to lead a big team at a very early age. I realized, like never before, my need for transformation during this period. In 2012, after working for more than seven years as a Software Engineer, the Holy Spirit nudged us to pursue theological studies at Denver Seminary. We followed His lead, quit my job and joined the Seminary. God provided us an opportunity to serve at Galilee Baptist Church to build His people. We have been serving the Lord in various capacities at Galilee ever since.

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